World School
Coming soon

A complete curriculum consisting of a variety of foundation level subjects, in line with the UK National Curriculum.
Available free for all!
By the People, For the People.
A year of education provided by a worldwide collective of people and organisations, coming together as one.
Targeted mainly at children who do not attend mainstream schools, do not have access to education, or desire to study our subjects as a supplement to mainstream schooling.
We are looking for:

Teachers/retired teachers, professionals and others who are passionate, experienced and knowledgeable in their field. Willing to give a minimum of 45 minutes in the school year.
11 Project Council members, driven by Love to help with decision making and can volunteer a few hours per week.
Organisations or individuals who would be interested in supporting the project in any way.
A show of interest from prospective parents who would be interested in trying this pilot project. To strengthen our funding applications.
£14,800 is promised from the British Airways 'BA Better World Community Fund'. If we meet our target.
Help us to educate the world or get your money back!
The 'Educate the World Project' will provide free, high-quality education to children worldwide. Who might not have access to education but live every day with the longing to learn.
The following 15 Skills For Living will be the core lessons in our Values based curriculum:
• Understanding Power
• Peaceful conflict resolution
• Elements of loving relationships
• Personhood + self creation
• Body, Mind + Spirit + how they function
• Engaging Creativity
• Celebrating self, valuing others
• Fairness
• Tolerance
• Diversities and Similarities
• Ethical Economics
• Creative Consciousness + Mind Power
• Awareness + Wakefulness
• Honesty + Responsibility
• Visibility + Transparency
In Addition
We will also feed their hunger for education in the traditional subjects of Maths, English, Science. Fused with the UK National Curriculum.
Quench their thirst to learn about the Advanced Technologies and Engineering that fascinate them.
Give them awareness in areas such as Climate Change and Financial Education.
Allow them to hear from expert guest speakers such as Police, Space Officers, and Health & Mental Health Specialists.
Satisfy their curiosities about How Things Work like Car Engines, Our Bodies, Earth's Energy, Crystals etc.
Not leaving out the beneficial, Spiritual concepts of Meditation, Energy & Vibrations, Naturopathy, The Arts etc.
For our children and children's children, please

Through holistic education, our goal is that these children will one day grow up to manage this beautiful planet with Love in their hearts.
Where war, pain, and fear will be no more. With the planet and all that dwell upon it, given the opportunity to thrive.