Meet our Angels, your Tutors

Maths, English and Science
Bachelor of Science degree with QTS
I have been a teacher for the last 12 years. I have a passion for education and believe that every child has the right to access education that is enjoyable, accessible, and challenging to them. I have taught children from 5-11 years old and enjoy the different challenges that each age group brings. I firmly believe that education should be creative and fun and that we should take every opportunity to teach children about the real world or link learning to skills they will need in later life. If we teach children to be great learners then they can use those skills and apply them to anything in the future.
I use the Year 2 England National Curriculum as the basis for my sessions; exploring the different elements of Science with demonstrations, investigations and activities and developing scientific thinking skills within experiments also. We will look at using and applying Maths skills within problems or practical situations as well as learning the basic skills needed to do this. We will look at all 4 operations as well as time, shapes, measures, directional language and money. We will also do some basic graph reading and creative exercises.
We will develop skills for reading and reading comprehension as well as an understanding of grammar for writing to allow for solid writing in grammatically correct British sentences. We will look at spelling rules and give opportunities to write and explore a range of different text types.

Emotional Health & Wellbeing
JayGreyx of Butterfly Healing Home
Emotional Health & Wellbeing Advisor
NLP – Trauma Support – Emotional Intelligence –
LOA Coach - Transformation Life Coach
My motto is F.L.Y First Love Yourself and that is the core of the work I do as I witness daily how easy it is to hear someone say they love themselves but engage in actions that show the opposite, usually in the form of outside validation in one way or another. My experience and clients to date are largely one-to-one coaching and retreats. My first retreat for mothers and daughters will commence in 2023.
To know and harness one's inner strength so that emotions do not overpower intelligence to go forward and make sound, wise and trusted decisions to serve your greatest potential is what I would like for our students. Our Intuition is our best ally and tapping back into that sacred and trusted space is key.

Kung Fu and Chi
35th Generation Master training at the world renowned Shaolin Temple in China.
By combining both Eastern and Western Philosophy and with over 28 years of experience, Shifu Heng Wei has created an award-winning programme that is essential for today's hectic lifestyles.
He believes that through meditation, mindfulness and exercise anything can be achieved.

Natalie Bourne-Moses
School Founder
Although I am the founder of this school, its creation is the result of every word spoken, every post read, and the contributions of many people. The project has evolved, and I am deeply grateful for the energy that has shaped its formation. However, I do not take sole credit, as I believe that We are One.
Having worked with children for 27 years, I truly believe they are precious—not just for their innocence, but because they represent the future of our world and hold immense potential beyond their imagination. It is important to me that human beings find happiness, self-fulfillment, and a sense of personal power.
This school is the best way I know to make that possible. My vision is for a world filled with beings who operate from a space of love in every thought, word, and action, spreading positive energy that heals, creates, and empowers, ultimately uplifting the planet.
Our curriculum offers a balanced perspective on alternative areas of learning, allowing students to decide who they want to become and use that knowledge to create a world that works for everyone.
This is a school grounded in the values of Awareness, Responsibility, and Honesty, where We are One and no one is seen as better than another. A school where LOVE is the guiding principle. What could be more beautiful than that?
From an experience a few years ago, I realised that there is more beyond this world—that true love and a form of heaven exist. I now want to share this knowledge—that we are capable of more than we are taught and that there is more beyond the 3D world—with all.