Our Background
"One cannot help but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries of eternity, of life, of the marvellous structure of reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery each day".
Albert Einstein

Our Mission
That our students get to discover who they are and what they're really capable of.
Our school focuses on a holistic approach to education, we will eventually combine science with spirituality. We want our students to continually learn and experience using a variety of reflective techniques. Where we invite them to examine and explore concepts in-depth and draw their conclusions. So that we can instil in them - self-awareness and independent critical thinking.
Our Students
Will be treated as Energy with a physical body.
Will be supported by giving them a sense of unlimitedness, as much as we possibly can.
Will be introduced to this world that we have created gently, with care.
Will be supported to have what is naturally within them come to light. Rather than us seeking to put in what is unnatural to them.
​Will be given Wisdom- how to get to their own truth through passing on (in comparison) a small amount of knowledge to them. So that they discover and create for themselves.
Will be encouraged to develop abilities and skills, rather than only facts that we want them to remember.
Will always be asked the Key question - ​WHAT DO YOU THINK?
Our Team

Khadija Levy-Yeboah
Deryck Sealy
Director & co-founder of London Business Partnership Ltd.

Natalie Bourne-Moses JP
Bsc, Founder of The Angels School & The Angels Academies
Although I am the founder of this school, it is every word, every read post and many, many people that have caused its creation. The project has evolved and I am grateful for the energy that has fed its formation. However, I will not accept credit, because I believe that We are One.
I have homeschooled both of my children at some point in their lives. have worked with children for 24 years of my life and believe that they are precious. Precious not just because of their innocence but because they are the future of our world and are capable of more than they might ever know. It is important to me that human beings get to be happy, self-fulfilled and powerful individuals. This school is the best way that I can think of to make this possible. I hope that in time, our world will be filled with beings who operate from the space of 'Love' in every thought, word and action. Where they operate with such positive energy that everything that they touch turns to gold. They heal, they create, they lift and empower others, to increase the energy of the planet.
Our subjects offer a balanced insight into alternative areas. Where they will get to decide for themselves what they make of themselves and then use the information to create a world that works for all. I believe that our team will be the right people to bring this to fruition.
A school with values of Awareness, Responsibility and Honesty. Where 'We are One' and where no one will be seen as better than another. A school where LOVE is its Governor. What could be more beautiful than that?
Also (and I don't talk about this often) but people often ask me "why Metaphysics and Spirituality"? The reason is, that I had an experience, just once where I increased in vibration and then separated from my body. I joined a realm/dimension/space (I'm not sure what to call it) where only Love existed. The first thing I said to myself was "oh my gosh, I've been taking life so seriously and it's not even real". I remained in this bliss for approx 45 minutes and although I wanted to stay there, I fell asleep, woke up twice still separated and then finally by the morning I was back to normal.
So because of this, I KNOW what is out there, somewhere. I know that this isn't all there is and that true love/heaven exists. Now I want this knowledge, that more than this 3D world exists and we have greater capabilities than we are taught about, for all.
This is my story, believe it or not, it is the truth. Take it as you will!