The student experience in The Angels School includes a diverse range of curricula, which offers a balance of Science and Spirituality. With Quantum studies being the bridge between the two.
Young people have an opinion that can sometimes be devalued. Our curriculum gives them insight into a variety of worldly concepts. Hence giving them knowledge in different areas to broaden their minds, compared to the information that the average child has access to. Our lessons are child friendly and will be at a foundation level.
Do not force onto them- instead, encourage them to make choices that ‘work’.​
Provide them with information and allow them to think/choose for themselves. ​
Encourage and teach Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Skills for living. In place of memorising of facts.
Allow students to ask questions, discover and create answers for themselves. “What do you think?”. Focusing on Wisdom rather than knowledge.

We at The Angels School believe that youth are ready to discuss important concepts in order to become a generation of world changers.
Students may be requested to purchase some items for their lessons. We endeavor to give parents & carers sufficient notice and to keep costs to a minimum.
Students will also require a working computer/laptop with access to the internet. One device per class of students will be enough to educate a group.
It may be beneficial to have an adult available to support the student/students.