Home Education
Or a supplementary education to mainstream schooling

Additional Live classes will be added over time, with the aim of all listed below being included by 2023.​
• Cosmology + Astrology
• History - From the different sides of the encounter, then asking "what would you have done?"
• Entrepreneurship
• Money
• Goal Setting
• Emotional Intelligence
• Environmental studies
• Crystals in electronic products, Solar Panels, Electricity, Time, Social Media and more
• Alternative Healing Therapies inc. Herbalism for Medicinal use and healing
• Nutrition and Plant Based foods
• Power of the Mind, Words and Actions
• Energy and Vibrations
• The Power of Sound- Sacred Acoustics
• Sixth Sense- Knowing/Instinct
• Quantum Cosmology
• Sacred Geometry
• The value of being able to be still enough to access your inner guidance/intuition.
The future of computing. The use of quantum mechanical phenomena such as superposition and entanglement to perform computation. Quantum Computers are believed to be able to solve certain computational problems substantially faster than classical computers. There is little debate in high-tech circles that Quantum Computing is the ‘next big thing’! One only has to look at the websites of the Global IT Heavyweights such as: Microsoft, IBM, Apple, Amazon, Google to see the enormous investments these corporations are making into this technology. Quantum computers are exponentially faster than the classical computers of today. This exciting course will take you from the mysteries of quantum physics to the mind-boggling computations of quantum computing in an easy, step-bystep series of modules. If you master quantum computing now, you will be ready to profit from this technology revolution. This course will take you on a journey starting from the basics of quantum computing right up to writing algorithms on a real quantum computer (IBMQExperience). You do not require any prior knowledge to prosper from this course, however, your studies will be easier if participating in our Maths for Physics class.
A little over one hundred years ago, technology reached a level where it could ‘see’ inside an atom. What scientists discovered amazed them! Firstly, they expected to see the four fundamental forces of the Newtonian world i.e.: Electromagnetism, Gravity, weak and strong nuclear forces, to exert an influence on sub-atomic particles however, the forces were noticeable only by their absence. In place of these forces were three new inexplicable, incredible, astounding forces which we now know as: entanglement, superposition and tunnelling. These forces are spectacular in effect yet -even after one hundred years- we have essentially no knowledge of how they do ‘what they do!’ This course will explain these forces to the student and introduce the methodologies of the many scientific experiments that have been conducted over the years. The course will outline the various ‘Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics’ and the latest developments for each interpretation.
How did the universe begin? What about before it began? What will happen to our universe in the far future? These are the prime questions that Quantum Cosmology attempts to answer by incorporating all of the Quantum Mechanicals, mathematical models, patterns and Laws of Nature known to humankind. Through interpolation of the known, we attempt to extrapolate the unknown.
Just over two thousand years ago Aristotle suggested that the last thing mankind would ever understand would be ‘consciousness’ and two thousand years later we know precious little than he did back then! This course will explain these forces to the student and introduce the methodologies of the many scientific experiments that have been conducted over the years. The course will outline the various ‘Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics’ and the latest developments for each interpretation.
This course will then lead into 'Mind Power' in Year 2.
How did the universe begin? What about before it began? What will happen to our universe in the far future? These are the prime questions that Quantum Cosmology attempts to answer by incorporating all of the Quantum Mechanicals, mathematical models, patterns and Laws of Nature known to humankind. Through interpolation of the known, we attempt to extrapolate the unknown.
Starting with an overview of all the most popular alternative and complementary healing therapies. Topics covered include acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, Western herbalism, chiropractic, osteopathy, physical therapy, dietary therapy, massage therapy, reflexology, aromatherapy, reiki and others. Additionally, medical aspects from healing arts such as medical qi gong, yoga, taichi, meditation and prayer will be differentiated. A synopsis of available evidence is provided for each modality. Students are then encouraged to determine for themselves the validity of each methodology based on the quality and quantity of available research. A balance of critical thinking and open-mindedness will be demonstrated by participants. Additionally, students will gain familiarity with medical claims, medical research results and the limitations inherent in medical research from a neutral point of view.
Sacred Geometry For as long as humans have observed the cosmos, we have found patterns and relationship. Sacred Geometry explores these universal patterns and relativistic proportions and helps reflect how the individual relates to the whole. Sacred temples, music, art, and nature are all connected through these principles.
Themes and methods of meditation are covered. The class will preview the purposes and methods of meditation, along with a practice meditation each session. Topics such as traditional meditative styles, science of meditation, evidence-based benefits, psycho-spiritual benefits, methods and meditation instruction will be learned. Students will review cultural, anatomical and spiritual themes and will be better prepared for courses of study in psychology, epistemology and anatomy/physiology. Participants will also begin to develop a regular meditation habit, which will improve concentration and performance across a wide variety of activities.
“Sacred” is a personal relationship to spirituality; everything is acoustics. It is well known that certain music types have profound influence over our mood, thoughts, and feelings. People have used music for expression of thoughts and feelings for as long as there have been people. Temples and rituals using music to set the tone/mood, provide sacred information, energetically charge the body, and even purify the space to work within. Sacred Acoustics examines music, sounds, frequencies, and rhythms and their roles and applications throughout human existence and the connection to the spiritual. Everything is “speaking” through energy, frequency, and vibration; this course focuses on evaluating how these information systems affects us and why it leads to better understanding of ourselves, our connection to each other, and our connection to the universe.
So that multiple subjects in the Skills For Living list can be covered., these subjects will be changed throughout the year once completed (as long as it takes). Beginning with:
Honesty and Responsibility
'Of Self'- consciously acknowledging your thoughts and actions and owning responsibility of them, without making yourself 'wrong'. But instead, using this awareness as power. This will lead to Honesty and Responsibility 'Of Others' in future years. Honesty includes Integrity.
Diversities and Similarities
The need for both differences and similarities with race, cultures, bodies, appearances, gender, communication style, values & beliefs, perspectives, stereotypes, personal talents, abilities, disabilities, personalities and more. Learning about ones uniqueness through understanding diversity.
Also diversities and similarities with animals, living creatures, plants, earth, minerals and then EVERYTHING in later years.
This hour per week will be used to teach our students about a range of different, mainly physical subjects. Subjects that would sometimes only be explained during specialist study of this subject. For example, how the body works, the nutrition that different cultures recommend for maintaining the body, crystals in technology, how to change a car tyre, how plumbing works, cooking, money management, business types, stocks and shares, social media, time, clean energy and more.
Maths has been considered as an essential tool for Physics and Physics has been described as a rich source of inspiration and insight into mathematics. So together they have a great relationship which empowers each other. It is also considered by some of our great planetary minds that Mathematics is "the language of nature", that "numbers rule the world" and that "All is a Number". Therefore, it would be essential to include this mathematics add-on to our curriculum, considering that our school mission is that "our students get to understand who they are and what they are really capable of". This add-on will enhance their studies of Quantum Physics by filing in the gaps.